Thursday, March 28, 2013

"Jesus is talking to you"

So, the other night, on Sunday, my mommas heart was filled to overflowing when my precious 6-1/2 year old asked Jesus to come into his heart. Now, BOTH my boys have made their decisions to follow Jesus Christ (Mason on September 26, 2011), and I couldn't be happier.

Coen's been telling me for months that he wanted to get baptized. I kept telling him we needed to wait until he's asked Jesus in his heart. He kept saying, he'd done that. I kept thinking he wasn't ready.

Well the other night, we were watching the Bible Miniseries (I'm not sure if this contributed or not, but I don't think it hurt, and it probably helped- so thank you Mark Burnett); Coen saw Jesus being baptized by John, and said, "Mommy, I REALLY want to be baptized." I said, "Coen, we need to make sure that you've asked Jesus into your heart, and pray and look at some verses in the Bible and talk about it first." He said, "I want to do that right now." We went back and forth for a while... he wouldn't let up. It's not that I didn't want him to do it, but in my mind he's still in potty training and just got out of a crib a couple weeks ago (NOT- I joke about my inability to grasp that my kids are growing up)... So, we pulled out the Bible, talked through the verses, etc.

Finally, he says to me, "Mommy, did you know Jesus can talk to you?"
Me: "Yes, I did- especially when he lives in our hearts."
Coen: "No, I mean, he's talking to you right now."
Me (thinking- aww, he thinks Jesus is guiding this conversation through me- I'm rolling my eyes and gagging at my pride right now): "Yes, he's helping us with this conversation..."
Coen: "NO!!! I mean Jesus is talking to you right now, and he's TELLING you to LET ME DO THIS!"

Crickets. Martin and I just look at each other- at a loss. Then we said, let's do this. So we all got down on our knees, holding hands. I was raised Baptist, and by-golly wanted to make sure he prayed the "right" prayer. So I said, "Do you want me to help you pray?"

Coen: "No! I know what I'm going to say. Dear Jesus, I love you. I know you died on the cross for my sins, and Dear Jesus, I just LOVE you."

Be still my heart. I helped him throw in the part about asking forgiveness of sins, coming into his heart, and help him follow him for his whole life. He finished and was grinning ear to ear. He hugged me, he hugged Martin, he hugged Mason, he hugged the dogs. He called his best friend's parents to tell them the news. The next day he came home from school, and I asked him if he told anyone at school. He said, "YEAH! The whole class! They said good luck!". LOL. He's so excited about getting baptized; and because Mason missed his scheduled baptism a couple months ago due to tonsils, it turns out BOTH my boys will probably be baptized on the same day.

I'm thinking this kid didn't need any help from me or Martin. He's about to light the world on fire.

1 comment:

  1. Be still my heart. Makes me one Happy Gramma~ I love that kiddo!
