People, I've been wanting to blog about this for some time now, but I was afraid of what toes I might step on. But I have decided that this blog is my safe slice of cyberspace to say what I think, and so, Oh buddy- am I about to get on the box. I should tell you that this is officially my "snarkiest" blog ever.
I'd just like to take a minute or twenty and talk about Facebook. I'm going to go into what I wish would be implemented as some sort of Facebook etiquette. Now, while I know this will never, in fact, be the case- I think I'll feel better to get it of my chest.
So, in my ideal world, this is how my Facebook feeds would look:
1) No person shall post more than 2 meaningful quotes/verses/sayings featuring beaches, sunsets, shamrocks, hearts, flowers, etc. per week. The same applies for cutesy animal pictures.
I love animals, I love a good quote and I really love a good verse, but that's what Pinterest is for. Now, I have to say that as I type this- I realize I am in fact guilty of breaking this rule- because I love to post those cool prayer verses for my boys that the MOB Society puts on Facebook. But clearly, I'm allowed to break my own rules. Mainly- I would apply this to quotes,inspirational pictures ("There's no I in TEAM!") cutesy pictures and animal shots. I would just love to not have to scroll past 13 different cutesy pics to get to what's going on. Fair enough?
2) If your status constitutes more than- Oh-I-Don't-Know 5-8 sentences- then you might want to consider a blog. And really 5-8 might be too long. Exceptions to this would be in the event of a crisis or family situation where you're requesting/updating your Facebook peeps for prayers or just to keep them in the loop on a broad scale. For example- recently many, many people wanted updates on my Grandma after her stroke. Therefore, it made more sense for me to update FB with a long status- rather than digging through my 400+ contacts to figure out which ones cared and who I needed to update through message box. But please, for the love of Pete- don't post a four page Facebook status that includes every little thing you accomplished during the day. Less is more people! (or, become like me- the wordy girl- and get a blog! Hmmm. Maybe I should change the name of my blog. Think I might...)
3) Please refrain from posting every stop and errand you have to make during the day. It will save us all time.
4) I usually read my Facebook while I'm eating breakfast, lunch or snack. Occasionally in between- on my phone and at least once before bed. But, for all intense purposes- I'm usually eating. I would think that would apply to most of responsible working Americans- so it might be a good idea to avoid posting pictures, videos, and graphic details of grody situations, bodily functions, moldy refrigerator remains, etc. Just a thought.
5) If your Facebook status is a new quote from another person- every. single. time. - Then I would say you probably don't have anything to say.
6) Persons will not engage in awkward public Facebook battles with friends, family members, or spouses. This includes passive aggressive comments, verbal abuse, etc. Now, I love a little sarcasm, but I think we can all agree there is a difference... especially when the comments are met with crickets from everyone except the party(ies) involved.
7) Persons shall not have an engage in online Facebook dialog with themselves. Again. Blog, people.
8) If you're not sure if you should post it- then type it, read it, and then edit, post or delete as appropriate. I will reference the King James Bible on this for sound advice: Philippians 4:8- "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
8) Persons will not share a friend's personal business with others on facebook. This includes, but is not limited too- vacation plans, pregnancies (or not- which will be my case hopefully until I die), new car, new house, personal financial info, etc. WITHOUT EXPRESS PERMISSION FROM THE FRIEND. I can't believe I even need to say that- but it has actually happened to me and some of my friends. Nobody likes a Facebook blabbermouth.
9) Persons will use Facebook to post precious and interesting pictures of themselves and family members, fun stories and anecdotes, prayer requests and needs, happy banter and life events- for the Facebook world. However, they will not use Facebook to post their political or religious views with the intent of stirring up debate, hatred or malice. I don't even care if you do state your case- that's your right people- but do it in the right way. I cannot stand when it is done with hateful and belittling words from both sides of the fence. If you are my Facebook friend, please respect the fact that I probably already have an opinion, as do your other FB friends, and no one needs your help to form that opinion. If someone wants or needs your opinion, I'm sure that they will ask for it. You're not likely to change anyone's mind. Also, get a blog. It's a great place to say what you REALLY think. AND you get to moderate the comments so that no one insults you or has a different opinion. It's an ideal world for narrow minded people.
10) My biggest complaint of all. "Christians" who are hateful on Facebook. It literally makes me sick to my stomach, and nothing is accomplished by hurling insults, and even words Jesus Christ would never have used. I read this quote in Jen Hatmaker's book, Seven, as quoted by Mahatma Ghandi- "I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." How. SAD.
I will defer to Ephesians 4 for this:
"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. 2Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. 30And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 31Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 32Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."
If this post offends you, please know that I mean most of it, cheekily and for a laugh. I think it's obvious the parts for which I do not joke. And those are just common sense.
On a side note. I spend too much time on Facebook.
well said, Manda!