Many of you have asked for updates once we arrived in TX. I'm going to try to do this in one blog, and quick (well, as quick, as I can be), so I don't bore you all with the details....
How the kids were: actually, quite good. Thank goodness for Martin's laptop- a movie when times got desperate, and Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle (thanks Mom) stories after each dinner stop. Thank you Katherine, for the Combos, and books.
It took: Friday- we drove until Greenville, SC after leaving NC at about 5:30. Saturday we made it all the way to Monroe, LA. Sunday- Onward to Plano, TX- arriving about 3 pm!
Free Tickets: to the minor league baseball game at Dr.Pepper Stadium in Frisco- we were lucky enough to have a view of the whole baseball diamond, and a pre-season game, right off our balcony. Mason LOVED it!
New Travel Game: Make a list of rarely found objects (airplane on the ground, fire-truck, bulldozer, cow, etc), and list them on a dry erase board. Each person who spots it first, gets the point.
The drive was: clear sailing, except for a rainstorm in MS/LA.
A bit dissapointing: Crossing the mighty Mississippi in the dark.... couldn't see much except it was big, and a long bridge.
The movers were: pretty good. After hearing horror stories, Mayflower, and All American Relocation got our stuff here on Sunday, a full 2-3 days earlier than promised. So far, we have limited damage to items- broken pieces on furniture, but nothing major, and I haven't found one thing that was broken due to packaging, yet. Bless the movers, because we have 5 flights of stairs in this townhouse.
Biggest aggravation so far: My car's two days late getting here- will hopefully be here tomorrow; we just got internet tonight (instead of Saturday, as promised)- after Martin's 4 hours of phone time, and numerous involuntary transcontinental conversations with India- as well as transfers to Verizon Wireless (for internet, mind you); and get this..... NO TV!!!!!! Time Warner needed 10 days to figure us out, and so Dish Network will be out tomorrow to handle it. You try dealing with two kids, with no car, no internet, and no TV. Not a pretty scenario.
Bonus!: Getting a free $50 mall gift card at one of our hotels- just because....
Biggest transition: EVERYTHING'S green! Except the Bermuda grass, which is dormant. But, seriously, I keep looking at all the fountains, and thinking, "What a waste of water", or "I can't believe they would pressure wash the sidewalks while we're in a drought", oh, but wait, that's NC. Which brings me too....
Biggest weather blunders: A monsoon the first night in our apartment- I'm talking 5-7hours of POURING rain beating against the window.... if we had two hours of that in NC, we'd be all set. Followed by SNOW last night, but it was 55 today. Fickle like NC.
Highlight: Being able to walk the less-than-a-mile to Mason's school to pick him up, in the crisp beautiful day.
Kudos too: Mom, on sending me groceries, and a personal assistant to help out. Jody for your sweet "welcome home" note. My boys for their patience with a psycho mom. And my dear sweet husband who has been incredible despite a job change, and me for a wife.
We are so thankful for all of you, and are still feeling that this is where God wants us. Thank you all for making it easier on us.
Hi. I enjoyed reading about your travels to Texas. I am glad you had a safe trip and that the kids were peaceful. I am continuing to pray for you all. I miss you bunches.
ReplyDeleteHey Amanda! I'm so glad everything is ok. You sound like you've got it all under control...moving's tough even when it all goes well, and when you add two little ones, and moving almost to the other side of the country...ugh! I've driven to's a LONG way! I'm so glad you all got there safe and are getting settled in. Has Mason started school? We'll be planning a big "family vacation" to Texas next summer after I get done w/school. Love you guys, and Prayers for you guys...always. :)
ReplyDeletethis has honestly been the first time i've had time to read your post in WEEKS! so glad to hear that you are (were?) doing well. can't believe you guys stayed in G-vegas your first night: we were volunteering at a Caedmon's Call concert... you could have come. ;
love ya!