Goat's blood- drizzled 7 times. Dead pigeons. Yuck. It almost made me sick over my Hot Pocket croissant pizza lunch. "What in the world is applicable about this in today's society?" I thought. Everyone says the Bible is always applicable. But come on, Leviticus? The third book has been my challenge, but I delved into it with curiosity, as this was one of the first times in my adult life that I've made it this far. The New Testament- well, piece of cake- it's the laws in the Old Testament that always get me.
I had already asked Martin, what do you think is the significance of all the tabernacle stuff in Exodus? To which God pointed out to me, "I led them out of Egypt to WORSHIP me- that was the whole point... why wouldn't I spend chapters and chapters on how I wanted it done?"
So, now, I've been wondering, what exactly is the point to Leviticus. The obvious answer, of course, being that these laws all make sense- cleanliness, avoiding disease, etc. But the sacrifices? Yuck.
Today, in church, our contemporary service music brought me the answer- using a hymn I've known since I was about five.... "Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, sin that left a crimson stain... He washed it white as snow..." No more messy sacrifices. He handled the messiest one of all- with grace- as the ultimate scapegoat.
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