Monday, March 17, 2008

Luke, Darth and Emp

Let's see.... what to say....

Last weekend we visited the Fort Worth Stockyards so the boys could check out culture. Mason LOVED it. It was a lot of hullabaloo for about 20 cattle to walk down the street at 11:30- took about 3 minutes. We followed up with lunch at H3, and I promise you, that beef brisket sandwich I had was UNBEATABLE, and worth the trip. Mason picked up a postcard for Mrs. Bates' class in NC, and both the boys got cowboy hats, and a ride on a mini-carosel horse.

We followed up on our promise to grow our family by stopping at Petsmart on the way home to pick out Mason's new pets. 3 female beta fish- the red one is Darth, the orange one is Luke, and the blue one is Emp (short for Emperor). Nevermind that they are all girls. I tried for Minnie, Daisy, and Cindy, but that didn't fly. Anyway, Luke, Darth and Emp have made their home in Mason's room in a glow-in-the-dark Space Alien fish tank, complete with silver "space plant", and UFO for ornamentation. The fish have been good, but I was a nervous fish owner in the beginning, when I felt they were hanging out at the top a little too much. They're fine, now, and would you believe it's already time for that tank to be cleaned. Go figure.

This weekend,we spent some time driving different suburban areas of the metroplex, looking at builders, and trying to decide, if not get an idea, of where in the world we'd like to settle permanently. Still not sure on that one. We're meeting with our realtor on Wednesday night to look at some pre-existing homes. Thursday we'll be dining with friends, and then of course, we're into Easter weekend, with egg-dyeing, egg hunts, Easter dinner, and what I've decided will be our new Easter tradition- "Easter Sundaes". Ha, ha. Get it?

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