Tuesday, October 3, 2006

He Thinks

He thinks that no one notices
that he is up before the sun... but I do.

He thinks that no one realizes
he runs off of the caffeine from his coffee,
and the drive to provide for his family... but I do.

He sometimes goes all day with only one meal,
no time to eat, or, at 10 pm, he's too tired.
He thinks no one knows... but I do.

He sometimes works 10, 11, 12 hour days,
sometimes longer,
and thinks no one appreciates it... but I do.

End of the day,
he still goes in to see his oldest sleeping,
gives the youngest the last bottle-
just to have a couple minutes with them.
He thinks that doesn't count... but I do.

He would rather spend time
with us than out at fancy dinner,
or living the crazy "fun" life...
most of them don't understand, but I do.

He thinks no one knows
that at the heart of it all,
lies a heart that loves his God and family,
and aims to please both... but I do.


  1. beautiful.
    i *heart* it.
    you might just have provided a hint of inspiration, my friend.

  2. So sweet to go back and re-read this entry after having the privilege of posting about my own sweet husband.

    I smiled when you said I have "A MARTIN," for when I first read this entry in the early days of our dating (short as it was) relationship, I thought "She has A LARRY!" ;)

    We are blessed chicks, indeed. =)
