The thing I love about my girlfriends is this.... we don't have to call each other every day, or see each other every day, or even email on a regular basis. It sounds awful. But everyone of those girls knows that we can count on each other, whether we talked yesterday, or a couple weeks ago. Over the years, we've added jobs, husbands, children, and now, even more children. Time races by, and suddenly it's been too long since we've talked. Yet, lately, we have somehow made it a point to make an effort to reinforce our friendship by meeting at least once a month for dinner. These night outs have become a welcome break from the rest of our lives. And we always somehow manage to pick up where we left off, and are usually sad when it comes to an end at the end of the night.
Typically during a night like this, conversation ranges from silly to nostalgic, serious to taboo, but there's almost always a deeper reflective moment. This past week, at Kubutos, we dodged a flying shrimp tail while we discussed a couple of movies. (Neither of which I have seen, I might add). I've seen the previews of the movie Click, but we were talking about how quickly life speeds by... even without the fast-forward. Afterall, it was just a short 8 years ago, us girls were wild and crazy Maple Girls (my sister-in-law recently mentioned she thought I was in a sorority- I guess I was, in our own version). Now, most of us have kids, and some of us a whopping 2 KIDS.
My comment was that a couple years ago, while I was working full time... I found myself every day wishing it was Friday afternoon so I could go home, and veg with the family. Until one day- I realized- I was missing out on what Monday thru Friday had to offer. I was so busy wishing for the weekend, that I was slowly wishing my life away. I changed my mind-set after that. I didn't want to live like that anymore. After leaving the girls that night, I felt so content.
Today, that's not really the case. Sometimes I feel like I just run from one thing to another... only to feel like at the end of the day, I've accomplished nothing of any importance. The house is still a mess, laundry still needs to be done, and my TO DO list far outweighs my DONE list.
I hate to whine, but some moms seem like they have it all together... and still have time for play-dates; while I feel guilty for taking too long of a shower, or sneaking in a nap every couple weeks or so, much less taking time for a play-date with other moms. I wondered aloud to Martin, as to why I can't seem to do it all... I guess I never will have it all done. Maybe if I had a month of Sundays...
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