Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Greatest Generation of Care Givers

There is a whole generation of men out there who are now faced with the insurmountable task of being a care giver to their wives. For whatever reason- surgery, stroke, cancer- they now find themselves in a role that they haven't even seen their wives in for 30-50 years or more- the role of Care Giver. Many of them have no idea how to begin, and have a lack of local help. They struggle with the day to day of just getting themselves and their wives through bathing, feeding, toilet, and cleaning the house. In addition, they are now faced with the pressure of putting meals on the table- healthy ones to boot- many are on special diets; not too mention the fact that they have been raised to not ask for help (or don't know how).

Rather than watching our loved ones serve and consume sodium packed frozen dinners while we're not there to help, I propose we give them tools to prepare meals that are fast, easy and with few ingredients. I also propose we give them tools to ask for help.

I have created my first ever Care Giver's Cookbook. It includes shopping lists, recipes, and even a HELPER list to put on the fridge. They don't have to ask for help- they can just point helpers to the fridge!

This cookbook doesn't just work for Care Givers, I've actually used several of the recipes in our own family's meal rotation. Every busy person deserves a healthy, easy meal. I would like to point out that not all of the recipes are my original works. I have compiled some from (you can search by dietary needs), Pinterest, and my handy-dandy Better Homes and Gardens cookbook circa 2000.

So pop over and visit my first ever cookbook. Click here to read my new mini-cookbook! I'm already rolling around ideas in my head for weeks 2-4!

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