Friday, February 16, 2007

February Ramblings

Wow! So it's been two weeks since I posted. Since I know I have such a rapt audience, I must apologize. Just joking.

Let's see... what's happened in the last two weeks. My seventh wedding anniversary came and went on February 5. My husband was very sweet as always, and presented me with a very nice jewelry gift. I had no money to speak of, and presented him with a very nice card. The menu included Pizza Hut pizza, a mini cake, and a vintage bottle of Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice. Our anniversary would not be complete if SOMEONE wasn't sick, so all four of us were.... Martin, Mason and Coen with cold/flu symptoms, and me with a really bad sinus infection. We laughed because this is, I think, the third anniversary that we've been sick. The first year Martin had the flu, and we had NO money. I actually dug for change under my car seat to buy him a card. And, since he had the flu, he made me a home-made anniversary card out of construction paper. Ahhhh, the memories.

On our anniversary, we usually take stock of our marriage. This year's been a tough year for us. A new 2nd baby was a big deal. So, between Martin and I, and a couple friends, here's my list of conversations you should have before you get married: identify your TRUE personality; your biggest pet-peeves; who will handle the money, and what your financial pasts looks like; your passions (ie- what could you spend 6 hours a day doing, because you'll probably end up doing it at some point- driving your spouse crazy); your goals; your boundaries; how much time are you and your spouse willing to devote to work and/or separation from family members. I'm sure I can think of more, but these aren't things they tell you in pre-marital counseling- or at least we didn't get those things discussed. These are things I've learned on my own, and from discussions with friends.

Valentine's was great- I decorated the table, and got out the china, and made a Rachel Ray dinner of flank steak over puff pastry with asparagus salad, and Ginger poached pears with ice cream and berries. Turned out awesome, and we had our own little restaurant experience right at home. Just Martin, Mason, and I (Coen could've joined us, but hasn't mastered the chewing thing yet- he only has two teeth.)

So that's that. My February ramblings.

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