Monday, December 11, 2006

Freeze Frame

Ever have one of those days, when you think... "Please just let me freeze this day in my mind forever.... I'm so happy right now, I just want to take a mental snapshot, and never forget how happy I am." My wedding day, of course, was such a day, as were the days that my boys were born- or should I say, after my boys were born- the prelude was a bit long.

About my wedding day, a friend was wise enough to give great advice- take a minute ever so often, stop what you're doing, and just look- pay attention the sights and sounds, so that they are always burned into your memory.

I had another day like this on Saturday. You would think it would be something significant. A wonderful event, but it was just living life. Just a regular day. We went to the grocery store, so Mason and Martin could pick out firewood for our first fire of the season. I could tell Mason felt pretty important, being part of the process- and he wanted to do everything Martin did. Afterwards, he was mesmerized by the fire (half the guys in my family are, anyway), and sat staring into it- so peaceful, and happy. We put Coen in the swing, and he just sat there happily, while Martin and I got dinner ready in the kitchen. No TV blaring- just quiet, and our conversation, and the red, white and green glow of Christmas lights from the tree. Perfect, Norman Rockwell stuff.

It was a freeze frame moment. I don't want to every forget the little moments like that, and that's why I wrote that one down. Hopefully, I won't forget it.

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