Monday, September 11, 2006

I have decided to try out this blog thing. I've always liked to journal, but with two kids, I haven't done it in so long. This might be good, because I can type much faster than I write. I feel a little like Doogie Houser, M.D. though. Hee, hee.

Today is Monday, September 11. I was hoping to purchase a new American flag, but didn't get a chance to do so, so I had Martin put out our old one. It's really in bad shape, faded from the sun, and all, but I felt like it was better to fly that one, than none at all, on this day.

The TV is filled with numerous documentaries, commentaries, and programs about 9/11. As if we'd all forgotten. I know some have, but I am a very passionate person, and letting go of the memory might be something that never happens for me. I am tired of hearing everyone blame everyone else for 9/11. Those terrorists will find a way, no matter what we do. They have given themselves completely and blindly to a religion that will not deliver what it promises. I actually find myself sad for them. Once they realize the mistakes they're making it will be too late for them. I am so thankful that my God is the God of love.

We got a phone call from the infamous Tim yesterday afternoon. My mom was ecstatic, of course. I was excited to hear from him, too. Mom and Dad got two of the extensions, and the third was passed between myself, Rebekah and Andrew a few times. Poor Tim could hardly get a word in edge-wise. We are all so proud of him. I asked him if it was okay for us to do digital pictures of his face to put on pop-sicle sticks for the moto-run, and he said the DI's had already made threats about that. We did warn him that we're bringing signs. He'll just have to deal with that.

I hope that he graduates the Marine Corps with the confidence that so many do. He has earned it. He has every reason to be proud of himself. I know I could NEVER do what he's done.

With vacation upon us, it's been so nice having Martin home with me today. It's great to have the support system. We went ahead and sent Mason to preschool today- he had fun- apparently, they ate apple things today. He seems to really be enjoying it this year. Coen seems to be doing everything fast! He's three months old, and already rolling from his back to tummy, and reaching and grabbing things. The smiles and laughs are irreplaceable.

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