Wednesday, October 2, 2013

This lesson has been modified to fit your screen....

Okay, this one is going to be a vent.

I am not technology challenged, but neither am I am technology genius. But I am seriously scratching my head over the last 4 weeks of middle school.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a limited amount of screen time for our kids- including computer screens, ipods, phones, and tv time. At least, that's the way I understand it. This is already a struggle in my home as I have two gamer sons. So, why, oh, why, must there be so much REQUIRED screen time in our middle school agendas and learning? I'm ok with some of it- I know you need to relate to what the kids are doing now, but let me enlighten you about what it does to me as a parent- because I can't even imagine how overwhelmed Mason feels right now...

Mason has 7-8 periods a day. With at least 7 teachers. Each teacher has an email address and corresponds with me by emails. So I have spent the last 4-5 weeks frantically searching my email box for their correspondence, only to find some of it 2 days late, in my junk folder. Oh, wait- we added a new permanent social studies sub, so even though I added the original teacher to my in box, the new teacher is now going to my junk mail. This sender, (and the other 7) are now safe. Phew, that should do it, right? I should be getting everything I need to know, right?

Oh, wait, no, they don't all email- some prefer to use the school "education app" Edmodo- it's really cool- like a facebook for teachers, parents and students. Oh, but wait- we don't ALWAYS put the assignments or correspond by Edmodo- sometimes we prefer to have the students write them in their agendas instead, so please check that too. Please see Mason's specific username and passcode 3795867b voho to access Edmodo. You will only have the parent view of the folder unless you log in as Mason using his specific username and passcode woiuer oiuo.

By the way, you can conveniently check all of his grades, attendance and tardies on our "Home Access Center". This is convenient way to stay on top of his work and grades. You will need his other username _________ and password lwiu iuoe. Oh wait, he's late on his assignment? Please check his agenda...

It depends on the teacher as to whether they want to have assignments in the agenda or on Edmodo...

Oh wait, he didn't write it in his agenda? Then maybe you better count on him to bring the notebook home with the notes and assignment in it to complete at home. I'm sorry if you didn't know about said notebook and said assignment needing to come home, and it wasn't on the Edmodo tab- but he didn't complete his assignments on time, so now he will have to stay after school for 3 HOURS to complete it.

Oh, wait, you didn't know we use three additional sites for Math? Oh, I'm so sorry, they're in my signature line on the email that went to your junk folder. There are also individual usernames and passwords for each of the other two math sites we use to keep the kids sharp.

Please keep these usernames and passwords in a safe place where you and your child have access to them and please stay on top of your kids to make sure they are completing all assignments on time.

Please bring your own device to school, because we will be "flipping" the lesson- we'll give them notes, but they'll need to go online to learn the lesson...

What, the what????? Someone, please help me- am I alone here? I have no idea how to know what's going on at any given time, and I really feel like to get to the bottom of it, I have to spend a good 30 minutes of MY day making sense of something like homework assignments that really shouldn't be that complicated. Help. I'd love any of your tips and tricks to make this middle school thing flow easier.